Peacenic 2024: A picnic for peace

Join us for the fifth Wellington Peacenic, a picnic for peace!
Where: Shorland Park, Island Bay
When: Sunday 18 February 2024 4pm-6pm
Theme: Kids and games

We’ll get together with our Jewish, Christian, and Muslim friends, share some food, enjoy conversation, play some games, and make new friends.

Peacenic began in Auckland in 2016. It grew out of a desire to replace the polarising bad-news stories that dominate the media with real experiences of hospitality and friendship in our own backyard. The simplest gift of sharing time and food is rewarding in itself but goes beyond that to offer a glimpse of the world as it could be. In our increasingly multi-religious, multi-ethnic community, we want to help build bridges across the divisions that have historically separated Muslims, Jews and Christians.

Shorland Park is right at the main beach at Island Bay, and is right on the popular #1 bus route. Parking is available on Reef Street, and access is via a sealed pathway. Bring food to share (ideally kosher, halal, or vegetarian) but be sensitive to other faiths’ dietary requirements; ask if you are not sure. Please take rubbish away with you. Invite friends of other faiths, consider car pooling…and enjoy yourself!

Bring your kids, and we’ll all have fun together.

For further info, contact Ann Desmond on 022 494 1775.

You can also download our flyer you’d like to invite others from your faith community or post it in your church, mosque, or synagogue.