Abrahamic Council Condemns Anti-Semitic and Misogynist Statements

The Wellington Abrahamic Council of Jews, Christians and Muslims has totally rejected the intolerant anti-Semitic speeches of Auckland cleric Dr Mohammad Anwar Sahib. Such pronouncements are irresponsible, insensitive and hurtful to Jewish people.

“Our Council represents our religious communities in a common goal: to overcome the evils of prejudice, intolerance and discrimination between people of different religions and ethnicity,” said Sultan Eusoff, Muslim Co-Chair of the Wellington Abrahamic Council.

“Aotearoa New Zealand is a tolerant and peaceful nation. Divisive and misogynist teachings from any religious leader do not belong here”, said Dave Moskovitz, Jewish Co-Chair of the Council.

“The Council works together for religious harmony in New Zealand and therefore we stand together to unreservedly denounce statements denigrating other religions” said Mr Eusoff.

Mr Eusoff who is also the CEO of the Federation of Islamic Associations in New Zealand (FIANZ) added that Dr Sahib’s statements do not reflect mainstream thinking within the New Zealand Muslim community, and do not represent the position of FIANZ or any of its constituent organisations. “We’ve been working with Christians and Jews for years to improve relations, and have succeeded in doing so. We’re not going to let the rantings of one cleric destroy our achievement of making New Zealand one of the few countries that enjoys excellent relations between the organisations and people representing the Abrahamic faiths.”

In these difficult times, the Wellington Abrahamic Council calls for New Zealanders of all races and religions to rally together to build bridges across different ethnicities and help keep our country safe and secure for ourselves, our families and friends.

Two events about mercy

The New Zealand Catholic Bishops Committee for Interfaith Relations together with The Wellington Abrahamic Council of Jews Christians and Muslims warmly welcomes you to …

An Abrahamic Celebration of the Year of Mercy

The celebration will take place in two events:

A discussion on Mercy in our Sacred Scriptures
Wednesday 18 May, 6:30pm for a 7pm start
Pearce Room, St Joseph’s Church, Mt Victoria
Speakers: JoEllen Duckor (Jewish), Sister Elizabeth Julian (Christian) and Sultan Eusoff (Muslim)
There will be plenty of time for questions, reflections, and discussion after the speakers.
Entry by koha or donation of goods, eg flour, new winter socks, etc

After having heard the theoretical underpinnings, we have an opportunity to put this into practice at:

A Multi-Faith Service Day
Saturday 21 May, 9:30am – mid-afternoon (10am departure to outside jobs)
St Patrick’s Church Centre, 3 Childers Terrace, Kilbirnie
Lunch provided by the Wellington Islamic Centre

We’ll engage in activities such as baking some sweet treats for the Compassion Centre; preparing hygiene kits and toiletries for the Homeless Women’s Trust and Men’s Night Shelter; outside jobs – clean up and planting; possibility of visit to rest-homes.

You can help us publicise this event by downloading, printing, and distributing our poster.

For more information, please contact Sister Catherine Jones.